
We’re a team coming from different parts of the world, united here in Costa Rica. Despite our different backgrounds and origins, we share a deep connection rooted in our love for nature, passion for plant medicine, dedication to healing and growth, and reverence for Mother Earth. In every corner of Costa Rica, you’ll hear the joyful saying of ‘PURA VIDA!’ – an expression that embodies the country’s spirit of pure life, vitality, and joy. It’s this very essence that unites us all, transcending borders and cultures, as we work together to spread wellness, harmony, and positive energy to every corner of the globe. Together, we’re not just a team; we’re a family bound by a common purpose and a shared vision of creating a healthier, happier world for all life.

For many years, a group of people from Switzerland has maintained close relations with the Shipibo nation. More than 10 years ago, they created the medicine village of Ani Shinan in Peru. In 2020, Pandorita, with its 370 acres of primary rain forest, was placed in the care of that same group as a gift to be shared—as a local employer, a travel destination for Shipibo, and a place of healing for workshop participants from all around the globe.

Los shamanes

The healing process of the Shipibo is a deeply spiritual and holistic practice based on the use of medicinal plants, teacher trees, and traditional songs known as ‘Icaros’. Overall, the Shipibo process is characterized by a profound connection to nature, a strong spiritual practice, and a holistic understanding of health and well-being.

Since 2009, we have maintained close ties with the Shipibo community. Together, in 2012, we established the medicine village of Ani Shinan, where individuals can immerse themselves in the world of plant diets. We are excited to offer some of our friends the opportunity to experience this cultural exchange here in Costa Rica. If you’d like to learn more about tree dietas, visit

Mama Mica is a medicine woman hailing from a long healing tradition.

Mama Mica (Bari kena)

Mama Mica an esteemed medicine woman coming from a long healing tradition. Her dedication, love and laughter are quite contagious. Her most important ally is the mighty Marosa. Also, she has dieted Bobinsana, Piñon Colorado, Canela and Renaquilla.

Her shamanic power is incredibly potent, bringing profound healing. With her penetrating icaros, she triggers the deeply entrenched to surface and cleanses it. She assists participants through difficult moments with her unwavering motherliness.

Mica’s voice will enter your body and mind through the frequency of her powerful icaros – at times hardly letting you time to breathe, often bringing relief eventually. Her presence is a gift for Pandorita, Love, courage, knowledge, creativity and so much humor are flowing through and out of this woman every day.

She is here on this planet to heal. Though she appears as a petite and small woman, her strength, felt during massages, reveals her as a wise jaguar woman. Her energy is such that one would always want to be around her. With the depth of her gaze, she can illuminate the hidden.

Francisco is one of our ayahuasca experts

Hugo (Reshin Kea)

Hugo Americo Ochavano was born in Pahoyan many hours down the Ucayali river into the Amazon forest within a family of healers. His father was a curandero, botanist, nurse technician and was part of different projects by the Ucayali river that concerned medicinal plants. His father was also one of the founders of the Amazonic hospital of Pucallpa.

Hugo’s Shipibo name is Reshin Kea. He grew up learning about the spiritual part of the plants and as well the scientific part of the body from his father and grandfathers. At the age of 20 he started his first diet and has dedicated his life to the path of healing ever since. Maestro Hugo has dieted Noya Rao, Shihuahuaco, Bobinsana, Coca, Piri Piri, Piñon Colorado and many other master plants which are his allies.

With his calming and humble presence, Hugo redefines what it means to be a warrior of light. His kindness, presence and expertise creates a container of safety that enables students to truly surrender to the healing process.
In Ceremonies he opens, through beautiful icaros, spheres for holistic healing and spiritual growth.
Reshin Kea feels that his mission is helping others transform themselves psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and physically to create a better world for us and the coming generations. We are very blessed to have him with us.

Los facilitadores

Meet the heart and soul of our team – our dedicated facilitators who bring passion, expertise, and a wealth of experience to every workshop and retreat. Coming from diverse backgrounds and cultures, our facilitators share a common commitment to healing, growth, and transformation. With deep reverence for nature and a profound understanding of plant medicine, they guide participants on profound journeys of self-discovery and healing. Each facilitator brings their unique gifts and talents to our community, embodying the spirit of authenticity, compassion, and empowerment. Get to know our incredible team and discover the magic they bring to every Pandorita experience.


Raha is originally from California, and she has lived all over the world owing to her studies in foreign service and international law. She was introduced to ayahuasca after a car accident led her to diet uchu sanango with a master palero in the Ucayali region of Peru, and her journey has continued across several countries and traditions to finally bring her to Pandorita. She believes strongly in the healing power of sacred plants and music, and shares her faith, strength, and sense of humor with those who join her on this path.


Montserrat, devotes her energy to the service of our mother earth holding and honoring sacred spaces of ceremony. Her deep passion is to help to reconnect all beings to their true nature. With Compassion she watches over the participant and intuitively assists them when needed. She has a deep love for the plant world and the spirit of ayahuasca, she spent over a year in the Amazon jungle with shamans learning and witnessing transformative processes. She has as well been dieting with master plants that today are her great allies for the ceremonial work. She loves to dive deep into the unknown places in us, cleaning and transforming our inner soil, so the participants can afterwards plant and water the seeds of their hearts. She has trainings in the understanding of our nervous system and traumas,  Certified Yoga teacher, Flow movement teacher, Permaculture designer, Spine Ayurvedic massagist and knowledge in herb medicine. Her loving heart, and joyful being will remind you that everything happens for a reason and that all is a process.

Aum Keita

Aum Keita is a spiritual guide, Yoga teacher, meditator, life coach, permaculture enthusiast, eco-building architect specialising in treehouses, musician and singer with a great vision of making this world a peaceful and wonderful place for all the beings that live on it and for all those yet to come. His spiritual journey began as a child while traveling his entire life to more than 37 countries by learning the wisdom and knowledge from many wise masters and through his adventures. Apart from working many years with various sacred medicines, Aum has graduated a University masters degree in Yoga, Meditation and Holistic Health in India, spent a year practicing the ways of meditation from the Thai monks in Thailand and spent a year with the indigenous tribes in the Amazon working with plant medicine and dietas. He is fluent in English, French, Tamil, Hindi and Spanish. He will be happy to be there for you and be part of your journey with his calm and loving presence.

Los trabajadores

They’ve grown up on the shores of the beautiful Golfo Dulce, living every day where other people go on vacation. Their knowledge of local conditions and peculiarities is a great asset for tending to the land at Pandorita.


Oscar oversees the cultivation of the land, and he knows and takes care of every nook and cranny at Pandorita. He steers the boats and is responsible for all things electronic and administrative.


Yulissa is a miracle worker in the kitchen at Pandorita. She lives only a short boat trip away.


Charlie has a green finger and loves animals. He takes care of the garden and the trees at Pandorita. He is very connected to the animals of the jungle.


Marisol tends to all rooms at Pandorita and drives the boat as well.



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