Terms and Conditions


We are honored that you are interested in joining us for an immersive experience in nature, community and medicine.

Please read these Terms and Conditions and the Activity Waiver & Release carefully before finalizing your booking. If there are any uncertainties after reading them, please be sure to book a free consultation call. This can help clarify intentions, address fears and lay the foundation for the work you will do during the workshop. We can also use this call to assess your physical and mental health and have medications checked by our Pandorita doctor.

Please note that these terms are subject to change without notice.

1. Pre-Booking Health Assessment
As a pre-condition for acceptance into any retreat, all potential guests must pass our medical and psychological evaluation. Pandorita reserves the right to reject a reservation request or a booking already made if a person does not meet our screening criteria. This screening is based on the consultation call, the completed health questionnaire and if necessary consultation with our Pandorita doctor. If a booking is made directly, without a prior consultation call, and the completed health questionnaire gives cause for further clarification, Pandorita will seek a consultation with the guest. If it turns out that participation is not possible, the booking will be canceled and the amount paid will be refunded minus 5% for assessment costs.

2. Booking confirmation and payment
To confirm your workshop reservation, payment of 100% of the total cost of the workshop is due and payable electronically at the time of registration.

3. Early departure policy
In the event of a guest’s early departure from the center prior to the end of their reserved stay, no refunds, full or partial, will be given. All costs associated with transportation back to the city are the responsibility of the departing guest.

4. Cancellation and rebooking
Cancellation of a booking will result in the loss of the entire amount paid, except in cases where medical problems identified by the guest and reported to Pandorita after the confirmed booking are deemed incompatible with participation in the workshop. In such cases, arrangements may be made to transfer the payment to a future date or to another person. However, the details of this transfer are subject to the following notice periods:

a. 4 weeks or more in advance – 100% of the amount paid is transferable
b. 3 – 4 weeks in advance – 80% of the amount paid is transferable
c. 10 days – 3 weeks in advance – 60% of the amount paid is transferable
d. 0 – 10 days in advance – 0% of the amount paid is transferable

Cancellation must be made in writing to contact@pandorita.

5. Travel and Medical Insurance Requirement
It is obligatory for every participant to purchase flight and travel insurance to cover all contingencies and expenses, including potential medical costs incurred during the travel dates. Domestic health insurance will not suffice for this purpose. Pandorita strongly recommends insurance that provides coverage for all possible medical and accommodation expenses in case of a COVID-19 infection. We do not vet insurance plans; if in doubt, please contact your insurance provider for clarity.

6. Adherence to COVID-19 Protocols
Guests must acknowledge and comply with the onsite COVID-19 protocol at Pandorita Healing Center, which includes possible temporary isolation and testing if symptoms are observed, and other appropriate measures as determined by Pandorita staff.

7. Risk Acceptance and Liability
By booking a retreat at Pandorita, guests acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with travel and potential exposure to COVID19. Pandorita disclaims all liability for any expenses, medical issues, or disruptions to retreat activities if guests test positive for COVID-19 during the retreat.

8. Code of Conduct
At Pandorita, we highly value the safety, experience, healing process, and personal boundaries of all our guests. We expect the same consideration from our guests. Any conduct violating these values may result in immediate expulsion from the Center without a refund. Such conduct includes but is not limited to:

a. Sexual harassment of any guests or staff
b. Actions endangering your own or others’ safety
c. Persistent disruptive behavior affecting other guests’ comfort or healing process
d. Use of any substances or drugs at the Center, except for tobacco
e. Any form of theft Pandorita reserves the right to dismiss any guest at any time, at our sole discretion.

9. Participation in Ceremonies
Guests are required to partake in all ceremonies throughout the retreat, whether or not they choose to drink ayahuasca. Nonparticipants may be asked to leave without a refund and are responsible for their own transfer costs.

10. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
Pandorita respects the privacy of its guests. We do not share personal or contact information among guests without explicit permission.

11. Activity Waiver & Release
All participants must agree to our Activity Waiver & Release online and sign it on site in order to participate in the workshop. You can read and agree to the waiver in the booking process. The waiver can be found after the Health Check Questionnaire and the Terms & Conditions.

12. Medication Contraindications
If a guest is deemed medically unsafe due to recent prescription medications that are contraindicated with ayahuasca, we reserve the right to withhold participation in any ceremonies.

13. Admission Discretion
Pandorita reserves the right, in its sole and unfettered discretion, to deny admission to any guest or expel any guest from the workshop.

Governing Law
This Agreement will be interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws of Costa Rica.

Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to supporting you.

In Service, Team Pandorita